Sock pair number two is well underway! I'm almost down to the toe decreases on the first sock:

It's been a pretty busy week, but I have managed to get in some knitting time. I'm currently taking 3 University level courses in addition to working full time and trying to stay in decent shape. Somehow I also manage to spend a good amount of time with Patrick - although he's quite busy as well with the upcoming election (he works in the media). I also had a big presentation this week - this was the largest group I've ever presented to (roughly 150) and included our CEO, the senior management team and all our provincial office staff. Nerve wracking, but I did get lots of compliments after.
This sock is not quite as nice as the first pair I made, but still not bad. You can't really see here, but the join at my heel flap is a little loose. I'm not really too sure what I did wrong. I did take out a sock book from the library, so I'm starting to understand the construction of socks a little better.

This pair is made from DGB Confetti. I purchased it for half price (roughly $2.25 CDN per ball) from my LYS when it was closing. I love the color when it's in 'ball of yarn' shape - I'm not really crazy about it knitted up though. It certainly feels a little softer and not as itchy as the Paton's Kroy, but I'm not sure that I would use either brand again. I'm off to Romni today, so I might go exploring in the sock section.....

I knit most of the foot on Friday night. Patrick hosted a poker game, and yes, instead of playing poker, I sat at the table and knit!! Bird (yes, my dog's name is Bird) seems to approve! And if you look closely, you'll see a hint of sock pair number one on the left side of the photo:

It's true - I do wear my knit socks every day!
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