Thanks SP!
I received a nice surprise in the mail on Wednesday from my SP:

She made me a beautiful lace scarf out of Knit Picks Shimmer. Baby alpaca and silk is very soft and the color is perfect!!
She also included a big hank of Twinkletoes merino sock yarn and a bar of homemade Berries and Twigs soap made by a friend. The sock yarn is a nice combination of blue and purple, although the purple doesn't show up very will in my photo. I love everything! Excellent job! :-)
I seemed to have developed a small case of 'startitis'. I don't usually have this many projects on the go at once:

You can see my second Fleece Artist sock in the bottom right. I also started a pair of socks for my dad - he's very into knitting and always asks what I'm making. I haven't made him anything yet, so I started a pair of socks. I might have to push them back to a father's day pressie! Also shown is a tank from Paton's - it's made from Paton's Fresco - a ribbon-like yarn that has been discontinued. The pattern really caught my eye - so I tracked down some yarn. Well the yarn arrived last night, so I cast on! I'm knitting in the round instead of knitting the back and front separately - we'll see how that goes. Also shown is the beginnings of a baby sweater in a brown Debbie Bliss cashmerino, for a friend's baby due in May. I'm also still working on the scarf to match my rib and cable hat.
I really need a knitting plan! So... here's my ordered list:
- Another baby sweater (not the one above) for a friend who is due in March. I think I have enough Debbie Bliss Baby Cashmerino left over to make a cardigan. I'm going to try knitting in the round.
- Patrick's birthday socks.
- Sockapaloooza socks - the yarn hasn't arrived yet, so I'm still safe!
- Brown baby sweater.
No straying from the plan!!!
Patrick arrived back home from Montreal last night - he surprised me at about 12:30 am!! He was originally supposed to arrive at 8 pm tonight. He brought Bird back this absolutely adorable shirt:

(Notice that she's lying in the middle of a sun spot!) Bird loves her clothes. Her belly is almost naked so she needs to wear a jacket in the winter or she won't go outside. Her new shirt is more for spring - very cute light pink with a green stripe. Yes... she's spoiled!!
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